With the SOCO FM series for chamfering and length measuring, it is possible to simultaneously chamfer both ends of a tube with up to 3000mm in working length and measure tolerances as low as +/- 0.02mm.


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    SKU: FM-76V Categories: ,


    With an optional BTM (Bundle Loading Magazine), the machine offers a completely automatic loading, feeding, chamfering and length measuring process.
    Using an absolute length measuring system (against a calibrated piece), the machine may also be programmed to stop after a certain number of pieces do not fall within the specified length tolerance.
    This machine is suitable for a clean and even chamfer on both ends of the tube, with chamfering the inside + outise (I/O) and face of the material or making a radius (round) chamfer then measuring length. It may also be used for outside chamfering solid bars.


    Fully automatic chamfering and Length Measuring system, with 2 types of loading magazine:
    •Rack – Sliding Magazine ( Standard )
    •BTM – Bundle Loading Magazine (Optional )
    •External and internal chamfering facing with length measuring in 1process for both sides of the tube, with optional radius (round) chamfering
    •Optional motorized length adjusting

    Versatility & Range

    •Working length can be as short as 250mm, and up to 3000mm
    •Diameter ranges from 16mm – 76mm
    •Programmable Rejection Rates -the operator may choose for the machine to stop after a certain number of pieces (continuous or separate) does not fall within the specified length tolerances.
    •Suitable for Tube and Solid Bars, and materials such as steel, stainless. (with optional Speed Inverter)
    •Ability to inside + outside ( I/O ) chamfer as deep as 15mm or angles as small as 15 degrees.
    •Suitable for inside + outside ( I/O ) Chamfering, Facing, Centering, Deep Chamfering, Radius Chamfering and Length Measuring


    •Cycle Times as short as 6 seconds
    •Patented feeding system for the work piece, ensuring a smooth process throughout
    •The rigid tool seat has been designed for durability,with easily fixable tool bits for longer working life
    •2 steps chamfering process:
    First step —– Fast approach for time saving
    Second step — Infinitely adjustable chamfering speed for smooth finish
    •The length tolerance of each working piece can be controlled within +/- 0.05 mm – +/- 0.1mm
    •The length tolerance can be measured down to +/- 0.02 mm
    •The “Walking Beam” system ensure that the work pieces are not damaged or scratched through the entire machining process.
    •The machine bed’s heavy casting and head stock can absorb working vibrations, providing a continuous and stable